Red River Ride Plans & Upcoming Events

Those of you present at the last club meeting know that one of the goals of 2009 is to provide more shorter distance group rides for members. Our club has never been short of folks who like near-Iron-Butt-length outings (“Let’s ride to Memphis for lunch, I know a BBQ place there!” “Good idea, we’ll leave from Darrell’s at 7 a.m.!”) The plan for ‘09 is to offer some half-day rides for those who aren’t keen on 12 hours in the saddle or who have a spouse with a Saturday ’honey do’ list. To that end, James West and Wiley Pollard have volunteered to road captain two rides each month. One ride (weather permitting) will be a lunch ride after our regularly scheduled club meeting on each first Saturday. The other will be scheduled for the third weekend of the month. Another option is to take part on the second Saturday of each month with the First Baptist Church group (ROCK) for their scheduled ride. (By the way, James, Charles Jolley, Liz and Steve and Catherine and Wellborn already ride with this group and report they are good folks who like bikes and love to eat!) These rides will be posted to our yahoo group and on the board at SMS, so take a look and take part. We’d love to have you join us!

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